Manny Shwab and the George Dickel Company: Whisky, Power, and Politics During Nashville’s Gilded Age
Witness: Passing the Torch of Holocaust Memory to New Generations
The Road We Took-4 Days in Germany 1933 by the Author
Big Science
Bombers and the Bombed
The Sky Behind Me
My Promised Land
Children of the Dust
Racing Towards Armageddon
Audacity of Help
Myths, Illustions and Peace
One State-Two State
Cul-De Sac Syndrome
Horse Soldiers
Innocents Abroad
1948 The First Arab Israeli War
Solders of Reason
Day of Battle
Foxbats Over Dimona
Adopted Son
The Third Reich at War
LBJ's 1968
Grant (new)
The Fifth Risk (new)
Land Apart(new)
White Idenity Politics(new)
My Country My Life by Ehud Barak(new)
Foyle's War
The Dutchess
Tudors Season II
American Teen
School House Rock-Election
There Will Be Blood
Young Indiana Jones II:
The American Jews
Golden Door
A Young Indiana Jones