Presidential Elections- Everything you need to know about all aspects of the elections

A history of the Elections

From 1789 to 2012 the story of each Presidental elections in American history. For each election their is popular and electoral, votes states carried as well as an overview

Disputed Elections

Over the course of American History there were a number of disputed elections starting from the election of 1800 and ending in the election of 2000


Election 2024

The election between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump

State by State

From 1789 to 2012 the story of each Presidental elections in American history. For each election their is popular and electoral, votes states carried as well as an overview

How Elections Work

Over the course of American History there were a number of disputed elections starting from the election of 1800 and ending in the election of 2000

Why People Vote

People go out and spend their time voting. Why do they bother? Why do some people vote and some do not?


From 1789 to 2012 the story of each Presidental elections in American history. For each election their is popular and electoral, votes states carried as well as an overview


Over the course of American History there were a number of disputed elections starting from the election of 1800 and ending in the election of 2000

Electoral Votes

What is the breakdown of electoral votes per state


How does one get nominated to run for President- what is the nominiation process


How do campaign work, what happens during a campaign, eveything you wanted to know

Why the Electoral College

One of the most unusual aspects of the American election process is the Electoral College. Why does it exist, is it good or bad,leanr here.

Party Identity

Party identity has been an important part of individuals decisions how to vote. Is that changing?

Campaign Financing

It costs a great deal of money to run a campaign. How does a candidate get that money? What issues does that fundraising create?


Ethnic and Religious Voting

Throught American history different religious and ethnic groups have been identified with different parties, learn about it here.