1996 Elections Dole vs Clinton

President Clinton did not face any opposition in his bid to be renominated by his party. Senator Dole of Kansas made his third bid to obtain the nomination of the Republican party. This time he was successful and defeated both magazine publisher Steve Forbes as well Pat Buchanan to receive the Republican nod.

By the time the 1996 election took place, the country was in the midst of an economic boom. Employment was rising, as was the stock market, and the internet boom had begun. Thus despite continued minor scandals revolving around his conduct, President Clinton remained extremely popular. Senator Dole turned out to be an ineffective campaigner. He was unable to connect with the American public. Furthermore, Dole age was an issue during the campaign. He was 73 and would have been the oldest president to take office if he had been elected.

Clinton became the first Democratic President since Franklin Roosevelt to be reelected for a full second term.

Participation of Eligible Voters 55.1%

Democratic Convention
Republican Convention
TV Commercials


State results in 1992

Electoral Results in 1996

Alabama Clinton 658308 43.28 Dole 771529 50.72
Alaska Clinton 66508 35.14 Dole 101234 53.48
Arizona Clinton 612412 47.35 Dole 576126 44.55
Arkansas Clinton 465362 54.56 Dole 320323 37.56
California Clinton 4639935 53.21 Dole 3412563 39.13
Colorado Clinton 670854 45.90 Dole 691290 47.30
Conneticut Clinton 712603 53.52 Dole 481047 36.13
Delaware Clinton 140209 52.36 Dole 98906 36.93
Florida Clinton 2533502 48.33 Dole 2226117 42.47
Georgia Clinton 1047214 46.09 Dole 1078972 47.49
Hawaii Clinton 205012 59.20 Dole 113943 32.90
Idaho Clinton 165545 34.17 Dole 256406 52.93
Illinios Clinton 2299476 54.47 Dole 1577930 37.38
Indiana Clinton 874668 41.88 Dole 995082 47.65
Iowa Clinton 620258 50.30 Dole 492,644 39.90
Kansas Clinton 387659 36.10 Dole 583.245 54.30
Kentucky Clinton 636614 45.80 Dole 623283 44.90
Louisians Clinton 615499 50.88 Dole 489776 40.49
Maine Clinton 326217 53.92 Dole 190711 31.52
Marlyand Clinton 924284 52.59 Dole 710240 40.41
Massachussetts Clinton 1532917 62.66 Dole 693866 28.36
Michigan Clinton 1911553 52.45 Dole 1413812 38.79
Minnesota Clinton 1096320 52.18 Dole 751860 35.78
Mississippi Clinton 385005 44.20 Dole 434547 49.89
Missouri Clinton 1024679 48.07 Dole 889684 41.74
Montana Clinton 167169 41.67 Dole 178957 44.61
Nebraska Clinton 231863 34.94 Dole 355562 53.59
Nevada Clinton 203388 45.60 Dole 198775 44.57
New Hampshire Clinton 245260 50.04 Dole 196740 40.14
New Jersey Clinton 1599932 54.46 Dole 1080041 36.76
New Mexico Clinton 252215 51.06 Dole 210791 42.67
New York Clinton 3513191 59.95 Dole 1861198 31.76
North Carolina Clinton 1099123 44.40 Dole 1211655 48.95
North Dakota Clinton 106360 40.37 Dole 124507 47.26
Ohio Clinton 2100799 47.70 Dole 1832873 41.61
Oklahoma Clinton 488102 40.63 Dole 582310 48.48
Oregon Clinton 325225 49.75 Dole 255452 39.08
Pennsylvania Clinton 2206241 49.80 Dole 1793568 40.49
Rhode Island Clinton 243027 61.39 Dole 108401 27.38
South Carolina Clinton 495458 44.11 Dole 564387 50.25
South Dakota Clinton 139295 43.39 Dole 150508 46.88
Tennessee Clinton 905599 48.39 Dole 860809 45.99
Texas Clinton 2455735 44.13 Dole 2731998 49.09
Utah Clinton 220197 34.10 Dole 359394 55.66
Vermont Clinton 138400 55.50 Dole 80043 32.10
Virginia Clinton 1070990 45.58 Dole 1119974 47.67
Washington Clinton 899645 52.89 Dole 639743 37.61
West Virginia Clinton 324394 51.72 Dole 231908 36.98
Wisconsin Clinton 1071859 49.98 Dole 845172 39.41
Wyoming Clinton 77897 37.25 Dole 105347 50.38
District of Col Clinton 158220 85.20 Dole 17339 9.30