President Clinton did not face any opposition in his bid to be renominated by his party. Senator Dole of Kansas made his third bid to obtain the nomination of the Republican party. This time he was successful and defeated both magazine publisher Steve Forbes as well Pat Buchanan to receive the Republican nod.
By the time the 1996 election took place, the country was in the midst of an economic boom. Employment was rising, as was the stock market, and the internet boom had begun. Thus despite continued minor scandals revolving around his conduct, President Clinton remained extremely popular. Senator Dole turned out to be an ineffective campaigner. He was unable to connect with the American public. Furthermore, Dole age was an issue during the campaign. He was 73 and would have been the oldest president to take office if he had been elected.
Clinton became the first Democratic President since Franklin Roosevelt to be reelected for a full second term.
Participation of Eligible Voters 55.1%
Democratic Convention
State results in 1992
Electoral Results in 1996
Alabama | Clinton | 658308 | 43.28 | Dole | 771529 | 50.72 |
Alaska | Clinton | 66508 | 35.14 | Dole | 101234 | 53.48 |
Arizona | Clinton | 612412 | 47.35 | Dole | 576126 | 44.55 |
Arkansas | Clinton | 465362 | 54.56 | Dole | 320323 | 37.56 |
California | Clinton | 4639935 | 53.21 | Dole | 3412563 | 39.13 |
Colorado | Clinton | 670854 | 45.90 | Dole | 691290 | 47.30 |
Conneticut | Clinton | 712603 | 53.52 | Dole | 481047 | 36.13 |
Delaware | Clinton | 140209 | 52.36 | Dole | 98906 | 36.93 |
Florida | Clinton | 2533502 | 48.33 | Dole | 2226117 | 42.47 |
Georgia | Clinton | 1047214 | 46.09 | Dole | 1078972 | 47.49 |
Hawaii | Clinton | 205012 | 59.20 | Dole | 113943 | 32.90 |
Idaho | Clinton | 165545 | 34.17 | Dole | 256406 | 52.93 |
Illinios | Clinton | 2299476 | 54.47 | Dole | 1577930 | 37.38 |
Indiana | Clinton | 874668 | 41.88 | Dole | 995082 | 47.65 |
Iowa | Clinton | 620258 | 50.30 | Dole | 492,644 | 39.90 |
Kansas | Clinton | 387659 | 36.10 | Dole | 583.245 | 54.30 |
Kentucky | Clinton | 636614 | 45.80 | Dole | 623283 | 44.90 |
Louisians | Clinton | 615499 | 50.88 | Dole | 489776 | 40.49 |
Maine | Clinton | 326217 | 53.92 | Dole | 190711 | 31.52 |
Marlyand | Clinton | 924284 | 52.59 | Dole | 710240 | 40.41 |
Massachuss | Clinton | 1532917 | 62.66 | Dole | 693866 | 28.36 |
Michigan | Clinton | 1911553 | 52.45 | Dole | 1413812 | 38.79 |
Minnesota | Clinton | 1096320 | 52.18 | Dole | 751860 | 35.78 |
Mississippi | Clinton | 385005 | 44.20 | Dole | 434547 | 49.89 |
Missouri | Clinton | 1024679 | 48.07 | Dole | 889684 | 41.74 |
Montana | Clinton | 167169 | 41.67 | Dole | 178957 | 44.61 |
Nebraska | Clinton | 231863 | 34.94 | Dole | 355562 | 53.59 |
Nevada | Clinton | 203388 | 45.60 | Dole | 198775 | 44.57 |
New Hamps | Clinton | 245260 | 50.04 | Dole | 196740 | 40.14 |
New Jersey | Clinton | 1599932 | 54.46 | Dole | 1080041 | 36.76 |
New Mexico | Clinton | 252215 | 51.06 | Dole | 210791 | 42.67 |
New York | Clinton | 3513191 | 59.95 | Dole | 1861198 | 31.76 |
North Caroli | Clinton | 1099123 | 44.40 | Dole | 1211655 | 48.95 |
North Dakot | Clinton | 106360 | 40.37 | Dole | 124507 | 47.26 |
Ohio | Clinton | 2100799 | 47.70 | Dole | 1832873 | 41.61 |
Oklahoma | Clinton | 488102 | 40.63 | Dole | 582310 | 48.48 |
Oregon | Clinton | 325225 | 49.75 | Dole | 255452 | 39.08 |
Pennsylvania | Clinton | 2206241 | 49.80 | Dole | 1793568 | 40.49 |
Rhode Island | Clinton | 243027 | 61.39 | Dole | 108401 | 27.38 |
South Caroli | Clinton | 495458 | 44.11 | Dole | 564387 | 50.25 |
South Dakot | Clinton | 139295 | 43.39 | Dole | 150508 | 46.88 |
Tennessee | Clinton | 905599 | 48.39 | Dole | 860809 | 45.99 |
Texas | Clinton | 2455735 | 44.13 | Dole | 2731998 | 49.09 |
Utah | Clinton | 220197 | 34.10 | Dole | 359394 | 55.66 |
Vermont | Clinton | 138400 | 55.50 | Dole | 80043 | 32.10 |
Virginia | Clinton | 1070990 | 45.58 | Dole | 1119974 | 47.67 |
Washington | Clinton | 899645 | 52.89 | Dole | 639743 | 37.61 |
West Virgini | Clinton | 324394 | 51.72 | Dole | 231908 | 36.98 |
Wisconsin | Clinton | 1071859 | 49.98 | Dole | 845172 | 39.41 |
Wyoming | Clinton | 77897 | 37.25 | Dole | 105347 | 50.38 |
District of Co | Clinton | 158220 | 85.20 | Dole | 17339 | 9.30 |