Smith, Robert (1757-1842) Secretary of State, US Attorney-General, Secretary of the Navy: Robert Smith was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. After graduating from the College of New Jersey (now called Princeton) in 1781, he fought as a volunteer in the Revolutionary War, and was present at the Battle of Brandywine. Smith went on to study law and set up a practice in Baltimore, Maryland. In 1789, he served as a presidential elector, and was the last survivor of that electoral college. Four years later, Smith became a state Senator and, from 1796 to 1800, he served as a member of the House of Delegates. He sat on the first branch of the Baltimore City Council from 1798 to 1801. President Jefferson appointed him Secretary of the navy from 1802 to 1805. From March to December, 1805; Smith was US Attorney-General. In 1809, President Madison appointed him Secretary of State, a position he held until 1811. After he resigned from the position, Smith was offered the post of Ambassador to Russia, which he declined. In 1813, he became president of an auxiliary of the American Bible Society and became provost of the University of Maryland. Five years later, he became president of the Maryland Agricultural Society. Smith died on November 26, 1842, in Baltimore.