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Day 211 Obama Administration August 18 , 2009

The President had a busy day on his first day back from his western trip. He began the day with his daily Presidential Brieifings on security and the economy. He then met with his senior advisors.

The President then had a one on one meeting with the President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak. That meeting was then expanded to include advisors. The two leaders then met with the press. At that meeting both leaders expressed guarded optimism that progress could be made between Israel and the Palestinians.

The Presidents then both had a working lunch.

The President then met with Secretary of State Clinton.

Later in the afternoon the President met with former President Clinton to receive a briefing from him on his recent visist to North Korea. That meeting took place in Situation Room. After the official meeting the President and the former President retired to the Oval Office for a private chat