1835- Second Seminole War

A Drawing from the time

Under the leadership of Chief Osceola, the Seminole Indians refused to be forcibly moved to Oklahoma territory. Instead, they retreated to the Florida Everglades. The Seminoles continued to resist relocation for seven years, until the backbone of their resistance was broken when their chief was captured under the guise of a flag of truce.


Relations between the U.S. government and the Seminole Indians had always been contentious. These relations became even more strained when many African-American slaves ran away from plantations in the North and made it to areas of Florida controlled by the Seminole. Once in Florida, the escaped slaves would either gain their freedom or be enslaved by the Seminole. However, in either case, they would never be returned to their “southern masters.”

In accordance with Jackson's "Indian Removal Act," the Seminole were expected to move west with the remainder of the Southern Native American tribes. In 1832, all of the Seminole leaders met with representatives of the U.S. government at Payne's Landing. At the gathering, the Seminole agreed to move west—if suitable land could be found for them. This process took time. When the prospective location was identified, a delegation of Seminole chiefs headed west to inspect the land. Finally, in March 1833, after inspecting the land, a group of eight chiefs declared the land suitable. However, when they returned to Florida, the chiefs denied they had agreed to move. They claimed they had been tricked or coerced.

It took the U.S. Senate two years to ratify the Treaty of Payne's Landing. As a result, it was not until 1834 that the treaty was ratified. This treaty gave the Seminoles three years to move. The U.S. government counted the three years starting from 1832, the first meeting between the sides on the topic. The Seminoles were expected to move by 1835. However, when 1835 came around, most of the Seminole made it clear they had no intention of moving.

What followed was a long and difficult war—the longest and most costly Indian War that the U.S. government ever fought. The Seminole War lasted for eight years, resulting in the deaths of 1,500 U.S. soldiers and an unknown number of Native Americans, and costing $15 million. The list of U.S. commanders called to serve in this ill-fated war included all the Major Generals of the U.S. Army: Alexander Macomb, Jr., Edmund Gaines, Winfield Scott, and Thomas Jessup. None could decisively defeat the Seminoles. The war had its ups and downs for both the U.S. Army and the Native Americans. There were betrayals, promises, and pledges. There were temporary truces and peace agreements, followed by a renewal of war. There were battles, small and large—massacres like the "Dade Massacre," and battles such as "Lake Okeechobee" and "Loxahatchee."

Ultimately, the Seminole War was a battle of attrition. Along the way, various groups surrendered and agreed to be transferred to the West. The U.S. government had superior forces (at times, totaling 9,000). Still, the U.S. always found it difficult to defeat the Seminole. In the end, both sides were exhausted. The U.S. government agreed to allow the small number of remaining Seminoles to stay on a small unofficial reservation in the southern part of Florida.